Easy and Practical Culinary Recipe Uduk Rice

Culinary Recipes Easy and Practical Rice Uduk - After so long we do not update about new recipes, if you can already cook a variety of culinary recipes on this website recipes cookamemasak.info, I hope you can make a lot of recipes we've ever given before, I still remember the last 2 recipes that we give the first recipe soto betawi and second soto / coto makassar.

After my last recipe of the post today there are recipes easy and practical again that you can make with guided from cooking tutorial that we make, today special for you we will give rice recipe uduk, do not bothered us eat rice every day but maybe There is a boring taste of rice yes that's it but with this new creations by making it a nasi uduk certainly the usual rice will become more special, curious how to make it look tutorial from us following.

Uduk Rice Ingredients:

250 g rice, wash, drain
300 ml coconut milk, from 1 coconut
2 bay leaves
2 pieces of orange leaf, discard the bone leaves
1 stalk lemongrass
1/4 teaspoon coriander powder
1 tsp salt

Soy bean Nasi Uduk:

100 g roasted peanuts
8 pieces of cayenne pepper
1 large red chili
2 cloves of garlic
1 tsp salt
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
1 tbsp vinegar
150 ml boiled water

Supplementary ingredients Nasi Uduk:

Dried tempe
Teri goreng
fried peanut
fried onion
Emping goreng
Sliced ​​omelet
Sliced ​​tomatoes
Irisn cucumber

How to make and cook Rice Uduk:

First Make peanut sambal: Step you pure peanuts, added with cayenne pepper, large red peppers, garlic, salt, and also sugar. Then you add also vinegar and boiled water a little bit, then mix well and set aside.
Next go in the next stage you steamed rice until half-baked condition more or less cooking process of this rice for 25 minutes then set aside.
Third you mixed the coconut milk, plus also bay leaves, lime leaves, lemongrass, coriander powder, and salt and stir well and bring to a boil.
Then you enter the rice and we cook on a small fire until the coconut milk is absorbed.
After that we steamed back until the rice was completely cooked and raised.
For Uduk Rice Presentation: uduk uduk rice and also complementary materials that have been provided on a serving plate do not forget you serve with peanut sauce.

Our special recipe about rice recipe is Uduk Rice, may your family's appetite to be bertamabah with the addition of new dish serving that you can make by reading the tips and ways that we always give for you.

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