How to Make Fried Rice Recipes Hongkong Delicious and Delicious - on this occasion we will discuss the special Rice Menu Recipe in the beginning of 2014 specifically for you all that is Hongkong Nasi Goreng Cuisine, today you are interested to create a new recipe you must remain in This site to record the ingredients and spices you should prepare and to buy at the nearest supermarket or market. The way of cooking given here is very easy for you to understand, so you will not be difficult to make this new dish. Or previously we also have given Schotel Macaroni Recipe info. Maybe you are interested in making it.

Nasi Goreng Hongkong is a fried rice dish as usual but there is addition of some ingredients that make this fried rice more special like, chicken meat, shrimp peel, and fish meatballs. Already Curious please refer to the following steps.

Tutorial Making Nasi Goreng Hongkong
Ingredients / spices:

3 cloves of chopped garlic
2 pieces of red chili sliced
100 grams of chicken meat cut into 1 cm box
150 grams of peeled shrimp
6 pieces of fish balls cut 2 parts
2 sliced ​​leeks
2 eggs plus 1/4 teaspoon salt, whipped off
450 grams of cold rice
1 teaspoon of fish sauce
1 teaspoon of local English soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper powder
1 1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon of angciu

How to Process:

Saute garlic and chili until fragrant. Enter chicken and shrimp. Stir until cooked.
Enter the leeks. Stir until wilted. Add scrambled eggs and fishballs. Stir until grained.
Add rice, stir until blended.
Add fish sauce, soy sauce, pepper powder, salt, and angciu. Stir until the spices permeate.

For 4 servings
Record everything you need and buy everything after that prepare the daput tool to make Nasi Goreng Hongkong, after ready to saji try you suggest to one of the family or close friends to try it new menu you make whether already have a perfect taste or there are still less.

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