Culinary Nusantara Recipes Make Kue Putu

Culinary Nusantara Recipes Making Cake Putu - Speaking again about culinary culinary we have a lot of culinary from Indonesia we have many to add to the creation of typical food from Indonesia we present a new recipe that you can make at home to be served for the snack menu with the family that is cake putu. Finally we also give the menu also cilok peanut spice peanuts if you want to make you can read the site that we write before this article.

Kue Putu which is one of the traditional cake from indonesia can be the menu of choice for you to make for the presenter's food when time is relaxed or time gathering with your big family. For those of you who are just learning to cook you can see the guides make cake putu from us below, is complete we present from the provision of materials and how to make it.

Putu cake ingredients:

250 g rice flour
50 g tapioca flour
1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
50 ml of water
150 g brown sugar comb
150 g of grated coconut, give a little salt, steam for about 15 minutes

How to make Kue Putu:

The first step in this process is you mix the rice flour along with other ingredients such as tapioca starch, vanilla powder, and also salt and mix well.
After that sprinkle the dough with a little bit of water until the flour is moist and mix well.
Then you prepare a small piece of bamboo that has a diameter of about 2 cm and has a length of about 10 cm.
Next add the flour mixture to half of the length of the bamboo, then give a little brown sugar comb, then cover the contents again with rice flour dough until full.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the dough is finished.
The next process you heat the steamer, then steam approximately approximately 20 minutes until cooked.
Then lift, remove the putu cake from the mold, serve on a serving plate.
Then sprinkle with grated coconut and serve while warm will be more good.

Quite a few of us about cake putu recipe, you can share this article to anyone and you can also comment on this recipe or you comment about cake putu that you have made with tutorial that we give this.

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